Meet Kevin Miguel

Business Administration, ELAC Sophomore (Sergeant, Army)

Over the past four years, Kevin served with the men of 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. The training and selection into a Special Operations unit was a humbling experience for him. After two deployments and two contract extensions, Kevin separated from the Army in Feb 2022. He transitioned into the National Guard and hopes to pursue Sapper School, a demanding leadership course for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

As Kevin prepares for California State University in Fullerton this fall, he learned that transferring schools is almost exactly like transitioning out of the Army. He successfully navigated the extensive paperwork trail necessary for acceptance into a 4-yr institution from community college. He coordinated logistics despite challenges in connecting with staff for guidance due to remote work and personnel shortage. Kevin’s experience during Expiration Term of Service (ETS) helped him take on these challenges to successfully transfer school with ease.

The most important aspect of the Veterans in STEM program for Kevin has been the continuous support of graduate mentors to see him succeed. He appreciates the mini workshops geared towards personal and professional development ranging from resume composition to VA Loans and GMAT preparation. On weekends, you can find Kevin camping, exploring trails, and chasing sunsets.

Diversity in science for Kevin means seeing a wide range of veterans in multiple roles in STEM. Typing “Veteran Dr Astronaut” in Google pops immediate results of Jonny Kim, an influential role model for Kevin. He would love to see countless new faces result in a Google search in the future as the standard, not the exception. The diverse background that veterans possess can bring a range of perspective into research projects and ventures in STEM.
